The goblin
is my relationship with

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The weakest monster in the dungeon

Goblins are smaller and weaker than humans. In video and board games a goblin is often a weak opponent that's easily killed. A single goblin is easy pickings, two goblins are mildly challenging, three are a challenge, and seven or more you are in serious trouble. Next thing you know you are surrounded by verdant gremlins and you can’t move. Each little creature hits’ gives a bit of damage, if you can’t kill them faster than they come you are dead. It’s easy to underestimate goblins.

That’s how my goblin got me.

I would only smoke Cannabis with friends, and one night I was alone at my place, bored, I lit up, and it was great. Every night I would light up, get high, and here he was: the goblin. He was fun, he was all giggles and wonder, initially. The goblin shows you the world differently, he opens up your mind. He makes you clumsy but that’s OK cuz it’s hilarious lol. The cost of these small misadventures is foggy mind the next morning; it’s totally manageable. There’s no long term effect with Cannabis, you just take a break and you will be back to normal and able to do it again later. But you got to take a break, a break long enough to reset your system completely. If you don’t, there’s residual hangover that builds up.

Suddenly it’s been months since I last took a break! Ironically the fear of addiction pushed me deeper into it. Would I ever be able to stop? Not today, I’m too anxious. Let’s light up and have fun with the goblin instead!

It’s been 10 years, and this fucking little brat is still there in my life. He makes me watch dumb stuff on Youtube, eat junk food, and play shallow video games. Instead of doing what I really want to do: read, write, listen, learn, and create. But I can’t, because the goblin has cornered me, he’s here with me as I am typing this: I am high for a good chunk of my free time.

I let myself get surrounded by goblins. Every day I have to fight this little daemon. I make myself the same promise every day. And every day I feel the goblin’s absence turn into pain. Eventually he gets to me and I light up again before I go to sleep. I see my projects and dreams slowly drifting away. I fell sad, I turn around, and the goblin is here for me. I hate him, but I feel being with him is the only way I can cope.

I’m in the dungeon encircled by goblins and I can’t move. I keep hitting them and trying to get away from them, but the imp mob is firmly around me. I am stuck, they hurt me, I try to move, I want to go deeper into the dungeon: I have secrets to discover, dragons to slain, and treasures to seek. I can’t get to quest of my life because I’m trapped, trapped by the weakest monster in the dungeon.